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Thursday, May 26, 2011

It is Thursday and the day started off with a bang! Everything has been going great until last night. Mitchell vomited once and had bloody poop four times. This morning he passed out after going to the bathroom. He is currently at the hospital undergoing tests. His hemoglobin has gone from 11.3 on Monday to 8 today. He is getting a transfusion now and fluids. We don't know what is causing it at this point but as soon as we know, it will be here.


  1. Oh no, please keep us posted. How scary, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'll be thinking about all of you!

  2. Sorry to find out about this. Hopefully this is nothing serious. Your Aunt Simone and I are thinking about you all the time as well as of your family. Please keep us up to date. '
    Love Uncle Andy and Aunt Simone
