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Thursday, March 31, 2011


       We just got the results of Mitchell's scan. He does have an infection in his stomach. Which explains why he has continuously had a low grade fever of 100.3 all day.The scan indicated that he has Typhlitis, which are little perforations in his stomach. So he is now on a no food or drink diet to reduce the amount of stomach acid. They are also continuing all three antibiotics and trying to keep him hydrated with IV's.
      The CT also showed something that none of us wanted to hear. His tumor/mass has grown since last week. This could be caused by a couple of other things other than cancer. It could be bleeding or swollen from his infection. The doctor wants to be sure of what we are dealing with before they decide to add more therapy to his treatment plan. The surgeon will be by tonight to examine Mitchell to determine if he will have a biopsy surgery.

~More updates will come as we get answers~
Mitchell is still not feeling all that great. All of the cultures and labs have come back negative, so it is just a reaction from his last round of chemo. His numbers are still too low to start his fifth round so it has been delayed til next week. We don't have a date yet. They want his numbers to be higher before they start him on chemo. He will be here for antibiotics and hydration for the next 24-48 hours. He is leaving for a ct right now to see why he is still having abdominal pain. I think mom and I will have umbrella drinks by the pool tonight.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Room 3519

Mitchell is sleeping. His temperature has been up and down all day. his current temperature is 103.3 He is also having cool fever dreams. He rolled over and asked me for a Lego guy so he could climb the wall. Ya, didn't make any sense to me either. He had an ultrasound this afternoon to rule out an appendicitis. At this time we are waiting for all of his labs and cultures to come back. The Oncologist thinks it's just a virus his body is trying to fight and he has no immune system.

Today he was introduced to a new friend...Morphine. That's all  need to say.

Chemo my start tomorrow. I'll keep everyone posted.

I've learned so much from Mitchell's journey- Today's you immune system!
Mitchells white blood cells are below 100, normal range is 5-10 thousand which means he has no immune system. His fever has spiked to 103.2. and is on anti-biotic and fluids. I am leaving work and heading to the hospital. I will have more as it come. 
Mitchell went to the hospital at 6:30 instead of 9. He was up all night throwing up and has a fever of 102.7. We are not sure how this will effect his treatment schedule.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Round 5

Mitchell goes in tomorrow morning at 9am for the start of round 5 of chemo. I'm sure I'll have more to post tomorrow. At this point I don't have anything new about his treatment or progress. I do know it will be another long seven day treatment. But we are ready! 

Friday, March 25, 2011

We had an appointment yesterday with Mitchell's Oncologist. They are still uncertain if they are going to do a biopsy, but informed us that it has shrunk even more. His blood counts were ok. There was no need of a blood transfusion. He goes in on Wednesday the 30th for his fifth, and hopefully final round of chemo.

He is doing very well and has been, for the first time since all this started, able to go outside and play with the neighbor kids. Tomorrow we are going to the fire station. He was invited to come down hang out and check out the station. Then we are going to a Winterhawks play off game.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The weekend went great! No fevers! Mitchell has another PET scan on Wednesday and we have an appointment at the clinic on Thursday to go over the scan. His fifth round of chemo should start around the 30th. We'll post the results of the scan when we have the results.

I broke my old record... my Christmas lights came down this weekend! After St. Patricks' day!

...And the weather was ok Saturday so Mitchell and I went for a motorcycle ride to the gas station, but we had to take the long way home. He love it!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I was looking at the title of my last post, and his fourth round of chemo is done. He still has a fifth round. Sorry for any confusion.

He came home yesterday and is doing very well. It is amazing how well he is physically reacting to his chemo. He has an iron stomach! His back bothered him a little yesterday from his LP (spinal tap) but is doing good now. We will be watching him closely this weekend as his numbers will be dropping again.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chemo is finished!!!

It's 9pm on Tuesday evening and Mitchell's chemo has ended. Today after his spinal tap we found out that his lab counts are low and he has to have another blood transfusion. That means another night in the hospital. He has kept busy while in the hospital, he has gone to the classroom for studies, gone to the starlight lounge for art projects, and to the mini theater for movie night. His spirits are good and he is hanging in there.....I am sure he can't wait to sleep in his own bed and take a break from everything.

*Mitchell has asked me to tell everyone "Hi, and thank you for your support"

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday afternoon and Mitchell is still in the hospital. His treatment is going very well and he is feeling great. he is on a 24hr drip of chemo with a total duration of 5 days, he will start his fifth day tonight at 8pm. He has another spinal tap tomorrow,and Wednesday will be hydration. We are all ready to get out of this place...if it's the last thing we ever do... The Animals.

Mitchell is in school at the hospital, and did so Thursday and Friday of last week. Video games, board games, walks, and his Lego's have helped keep him sane, although, even those things have stopped working. I think he's ready to snap! He's kind of fidgety and his eyes are starting to twitch. I think he may be chipping away at the sheet rock...escape may be inevitable.

Kidding aside we should be out soon. We'll keep you all in the loop! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Room 3533

We are at the hospital and have been admitted. We just got settled in and Mitchell is hooked up to his R2 unit. We were shown the pictures of his PET scan (above). There is nothing to see. You can however see his bladder and his kidneys, but the active cells are gone. We are all so excited!!!! There is still a mass, but it has shrunk considerably. He will have another PET scan after this round at which point they will determine if they are going to do a biopsy on the original mass to see if it is still cancerous or just remaining scar tissue. We are not out of the woods but we have definitely turned a corner.

Mitchell is in room number 3533...again and visiting hours are from 9-9.

I have added the first two scans for comparison.

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's Monday and the Weekend is over. We spent the weekend at a hockey tournament Mitchell's team was in. They played six games and won second place overall. It was allot of fun for everybody. They had six games and he was there for every game. The opposing team they played on Saturday, a Canadian team, named him MVP of the game. It was cool. He wanted to play soooo bad!

We go in Wednesday for the start of his treatment, so we're doing laundry, cleaning house, working, and getting everything in order for the week. Mitchell and I have to stop occasionally and kill aliens, maybe a zombie or two. It really is hard work!

A room number will soon follow.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mitchells blood work came back last week just fine. No blood transfusions. He is in to day for his third PET scan. I'm hoping for nothing on the images. He will be admitted on Wednesday for his fourth round of chemo. He is doing great. He has his energy back and no more throw up. We're just hoping for a nice quiet weekend.